Sinnonhyeon’s Eagle Nose Correction and Nonboiled Nose Plastic Surgery
Sinnonhyeon’s Eagle Nose Correction and Nonboiled Nose Plastic Surgery

Hello, when your precious face and Sharp Orthopedic Surgery met, it’s Sharp Orthopedic Surgery.The nose is located in the center of the face and is an important part of determining our core appearance. The beak nose refers to a pointed nose with a high tip, and many people want to correct it because the entire face is out of balance or unsatisfactory. I will tell you how to make a natural nose shape by correcting the nose of the beak more naturally through non-bonded nose shape. What are the characteristics of an eagle nose?
01. The instep of the swollen nose 02. The tip of the nose hangs down a long time and covers the lips slightly (arrow nose) 03. The instep of the nose is wide and plump.04. The tip of my nose is big and chubby.05. It looks strong and sharp.06. It is accompanied by a crooked nose from 70 percent of the nose. Which type is suitable for nose molding of non-retractable material?

01. Those who have a low nose and are worried about a simple impression 02. Those who want a natural bridge of the nose 03. Those who want a natural nose without prostheses 04. For those who want to have another surgery due to side effects, shafrid non-retractable nose surgery may be helpful. What is the procedure of Sinnonhyeon’s Mebrico Correction and Nose Plastic Surgery?
Surgery time: 1 hour and 30 minutes Sleep anesthesia lint removal: 7 days after surgery Recovery period: Where discharge from hospital on the same day is good at nasal surgery, should I use prosthesis for nose surgery? No! From now on, try to reduce inflammation and side effects as much as possible by using self-organization to make your nose look more natural.First, line design is included before surgery. It is to design the shape of the nose that the patient wants.Next, we collect nonseptal cartilage or ear cartilage and costal cartilage in the nose. Raise the tip of the nose with the collected cartilage.Finally, it is a dribby by connecting the tip of the nose and the tip of the nose with a soft line to create a natural and sophisticated image without using a prosthesis.

Let’s check the results of Sinnonhyeon’s Mebrico Correction and Non-Holded Nose Plastic Surgery in advance!Let’s check the results of Sinnonhyeon’s Mebrico Correction and Non-Holded Nose Plastic Surgery in advance!No worries about shadow doctors under a one-man system! A balanced image generation orthopedic specialist provides direct medical treatment and meticulous follow-up management!Today, we’ve introduced “Sinnonhyeon’s Eagle Nose Correction and Unboiled Nose Plastic Surgery Place”.If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.Today, we’ve introduced “Sinnonhyeon’s Eagle Nose Correction and Unboiled Nose Plastic Surgery Place”.If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.Today, we’ve introduced “Sinnonhyeon’s Eagle Nose Correction and Unboiled Nose Plastic Surgery Place”.If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.Previous Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next Image