Hello, I’m Wiz Networks. Today is the last episode of the Internet of Things (IoT) statistics series, and I’m going to talk about the security status and statistics of IoT devices following the past two hours!▼ IoT Market Size Statistics
Internet of Things (IoT) Statistics for 2022 (1) IoT Market Size – With Networks Hello, this is With Networks In recent years, the outlook for the Internet of Things (IoT) has been theoretical… blog.naver.com

▼ Healthcare IoT Statistics
Internet of Things (IoT) Statistics for 2022 (2) Healthcare IoT Statistics – With Networks Hello, this is With Networks Today, following the last episode, how IoT is used in the healthcare field… blog.naver.com

Internet of Things (IoT) security status and statisticsIn 2021, IoT device security spending increased to $630 million Forbes
As the IoT market grows in size, the importance of IoT network security and connection is also increasing. IoT network security spending, which stood at $91 million in 2016, is expected to increase to $630 million in 2021, with an annual average growth rate of 21.38%. Given this rapid growth, IoT is expected to grow significantly again over the next 10 years. Paloalto Networks with 83% of medical imaging devices using an unsupported operating system (OS)

Windows 7 services have been suspended, making more devices more vulnerable to cyberattacks. NETS COUT THREAT INTELLIGENCE REPORT ATTACKED WITHIN AN AVERAGE OF 5 MINUTES AFTER IoT DEVICE IS CONNECTED TO THE INTERNET
According to 2019 IoT-based attack statistics, IoT devices are attacked within an average of 5 minutes when activated. The explosive popularity of smart devices led to an increase in cyberattacks, which unfortunately proved to be the case. In 75% of cases, the router is the gateway or starting point for IoT attacks.Symantec

Most cyberattacks targeting IoT devices are directly related to Internet routers. Routers are the preferred target of cybercriminals, with 5,200 attacks per router per month.The reason is that IoT devices do not update security and often continue to use the initial password. In addition, it is sometimes used without a password, accounting for 17% of all IoT attacks. Siabi attacks on IoT devices began to surge in 2018 and tripled in 2019 Forbes
According to Forbes, the number of malware attacks including IoT devices jumped from 810 million in 2018 to 2.9 billion in 2019. According to 2020, 1/3 of all malware-infected devices are expected to be IoT hardware. 55% of companies argue that third-party IoT manufacturers should comply with IoT security and personal information regulations SafeNetGemalto admits 48% of businesses find it difficult to detect IoT security incidents on their networksThe risk of the Internet equipment has also seen the risk of the Internet equipment, which is vulnerable to the security accident.The Internet device connects to the network and communicate with each other.At this time, only one device is to be able to get security risks.We have to prepare cyber security guidelines and authentication systems, so we must prepare cyber security guidelines and authentication systems.Therefore, change the initial configured password when using the Internet equipment, change the initial configured password.I think that the router is required to router.Only the router is connected to one router, only the router is the key hackers.At this point, are you using the Internet and business site?What measures do you take advantage of the safety?If you are not confident in answering this question, WithNetworks will take responsibility for your daily safety.Design and build an optimized security environment for your environment, no matter who you are, whether you are in the enterprise or in any location.Feel free to contact us anytime to learn more about how!Copyright(c)2022.())All Right Reserved<고용 참:: 2022 Internet of Things Statistics – Decomposing Things, 2022.05>